Human, Time, Space in Cuisine and Architecture

“To really appreciate architecture, you may even need to commit a murder”
     On the journey of finding myself, I probably know who I am. Architecture is my comfort zone. Day after day, it will eventually die. Food has always been my precious treasure, but it is hidden too deep. Find myself It seems to be trying to face it, and I found that watching others feel happy because of my cooking, what I get is the most direct feedback and confidence
    From freshman to junior year, we were doing architecture. The teacher told us that the most important thing to do in architecture is to consider users, time, and space, and these seem to coincide with the essence of cooking. The interlacing of these similar shadows made me start to have doubts, so I think architecture must die before I can start my exploration of cooking︒
    So I tried to pass time through the way of cooking first. Through the experience of the five senses in a small space, a dialogue between the cook and the eater occurred. After exploring beyond the three-dimensional space.  Cooking, space, environment, history, culture...have the opportunity to become a new mode of operation or issue, or a space that we have never thought of...
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