Longer journey is for rest|Service area of freeway No.6

Leaving the Vehicle, our physical perception reconnect with the environment. Through a process of mental disengagement and accumulation, we can experience something different from the daily life in the city, which will give us much level of rest. As a human-scale activity container, how can architecture intervene between people and the environment under infrastructure construction to achieve the purpose of rest?
In my design, the scale and nature of the activity space changes with environmental elements, which is the key to constructing experiences different from daily life. The four fields composed of environmental elements of different scales arrange the sequence of activities experienced on the path according to the relations of time, contrast, concealment... etc., to set off mental disengagement and accumulation. All passengers will experience a period of time that the surroundings are constantly changing!
The site is located under the Guoxing viaduct, the longest horizontal freeway that has not yet set up a service area. The surreal-scale bridge pier array interacts with the landscape of site, dividing the settlements, farms, wild forests and wild shores. 
Longer journey is for rest|Service area of freeway No.6
Longer journey is for rest|Service area of freeway No.6
Longer journey is for rest|Service area of freeway No.6
Longer journey is for rest|Service area of freeway No.6
Longer journey is for rest|Service area of freeway No.6
Longer journey is for rest|Service area of freeway No.6
Longer journey is for rest|Service area of freeway No.6
Longer journey is for rest|Service area of freeway No.6
Longer journey is for rest|Service area of freeway No.6
Longer journey is for rest|Service area of freeway No.6
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