
釉裡紅,以瓷白為基調,綴上血紅的花面, 細緻典雅,古今以「薄如紙、透如鏡、聲如罄,白如玉」形容之。爐溫控制嚴謹,工序繁複,千窯難得一品。 此案坐落於台中新社坡地,西臨山,東望川 ,以低調隱晦的姿態沒入地勢之中;散落的量體朝向四面八方與環境對話,動線曲折多變,如紅花竄騰於瓶身,勾勒出釉裡紅飛揚的氣韻。

The site is located in Xinshe district, a countryside full of cherry blossom trees. The house stands on the hillside, facing a river in the distance, which becomes a spectacular view. The owner is a ceramic artist, the program contains a studio and a gallery for artwork.
With the winding form and the changing elevation, the house immerges into the hill, keeping itself low-key and interacting with the environment surrounded by cherry blossom.
