After crack_ Reconstructing the life of railway workers

In the mechanical generation, machines have changed from the role of serving people to the role of being served by people. The difference between humans and machines is that humans have emotions, judgment, and the ability to be a train driver that cannot be replaced by a machine. On average, a driver will kill one person every 6 years. The psychological pressure that train drivers have to face behind the learning of driving skills is to kill someone.The base is located in the Changhua Railway Roundhouse, which is the centralized location of the central railroad facilities and the only Railway Roundhouse still in operation to provide steam train turnaround. The Changhua Railway is now facing the junction of elevation, but elevation will only create a greater barrier, so the design will be based on the assumption that the railroad will not be elevated, and a training center and psychological counseling will be added to this still-operating industrial site to assist the drivers to maintain a normal life and not to collapse under psychological pressure. For visitors who come to see the trains, by presenting the interplay of machine and human scale in the base, they can regain their attention to the hidden workers behind the machines.
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