Youth rental house | Citizen living room

PHASE ONE | Youth rental house_Externalization of private space
Through the observation and discussion of urban experience in the early stage, I wanted to find a way to allow people to be in the same space and be aware of each other's existence, but under the control of maintaining an appropriate distance, it will not interfere with each other's private space. Therefore, it is possible to externalize the private space and form more communication with the external public space, but at the same time maintain the privacy of the interior of the living unit.

PHASE TWO | Citizen's living room_When the city becomes a flat image
There are many 2D scenes in urban space, such as huge advertising signs, or some unconventional size objects appear, which make the human eye create an illusion and make the 3D stereoscopic sense disappear.
I try to explore how to flatten the space, so that the viewing angle of the city also tries to be carried out in a 2D way, so that people can re-examine the information provided by the CITY with the specific viewing method I designed. In turn, it enables people to slow down and explore the little corners hidden in these cities, which actually has their uniqueness.
At the same time, through a variety of complex programs, various activities are established in the buffer zone of the city - the PARK.
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