
故事背景:第三次台海战争后,大量人口涌入只受到些微战火波及的台中,我们听说了一个社区,那里刚 好周边仍有大量可再被利用的建材。大量人们聚集于此处,导致侵占彼此空间的问题,因此我 们决定压缩每个人的生活空间。和我同居的男友原是医学系,因而我们答应将住宅定在一个 公共通道的节点处,提供当地居民医疗协助。设计:首先定义出我所认为的“模矩”,观察人体活动范围并用立面图记录,再用得到的立面图发展 Diagram ,得到数个以立面图呈现的“人体活动之最小范围”。经观察后再将这些框出的范围 统整成 30*50 及 50*80 两个矩形组成的大单元,并且以这两个矩形作为最终模矩。得到模矩后,再将模矩套回原动作立面图,得到数个以模矩生成的“片状单元”,将片状单元以 “高程差”为截面,两两垂直相交组合,透过拉伸及扣除的动作,得到数个由片状单元发展而成 的块体。最后将块体再以原片状交合之截面组合,即得到最终仓库空间雏形。有了雏型后,再以“是否可看见储放物资”为原则,决定要用木板还是半透明浪板来做为立面 贴皮,以达到“可看见人残影”但看不见物资的效果。Story :
After the war between Taiwan and China, a flood of people living in Taipei moved to Taichung because of the devastation of their hometown. We heard of a place that is full of building materials, and lots of people have built their new homes and started their new lives there. However, it's overcrowded for all the immigrants and the local residents. Therefore, we came to a consensus on the maximum area for each person to build one’s residence. My boyfriend, who is living with me, is a student in Taipei Medical University, and he decided to open a small clinic to help the residents.
First, I modularized the rectangles from the diagrams of my movement traces, then I got some different shapes of “ slices”. Second, I stretch the slices to “ blocks” and put them together. Finally, I use laminated wood and transparent corrugated sheet to build our warehouse and residence, so the people outside can see if there is someone inside through the transparent corrugated sheet and can’t see what is inside our house.